Dear All,
Hack₂O forum is up since June 2024.
We exist to bring together communities and individuals interested in and working on water as a political issue, and to collaborate and share their experiences.
People have already come on board, activities have already taken place in this forum or face-to-face, contributions and discussions. Other communities and individuals will be joining us.
It’s time to discuss and put in place a Policy framework that suits us, the people gathered here.
I propose a cut-off date before setting the first version of this Hack₂O Communities Values Policy: 2024-11-11T23:00:00Z. For future amendments and versions, we can always work on them here or elsewhere in the forum.
Yes, we already have Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. It’s a basic minimum.
What we mean here by Policy Framework is :
- An opportunity for all members here present to discuss and amend what already exists.
- Access to the archives of this work
- A clear and explicit Hack₂O Communtities Values Policy
- The use of the Free Art 1.3 license.
These are our first lines that we submit to discussion for a collective consitution.
Furthermore, like others before us such as SocialHub Community have done, we recognise that web and communication technologies are inherently political and can be used to cause harm, against the intention of the original creators.
We recognise the power imbalances already endemic in the technology industries, Information and communications technology, water, mining, research, activisms.
As well as in commonly used social web systems. For this reason, we do not accept the participation (however polite) of contributors to projects that are designed or primarily used to :
- oppression, or encouraging oppression, of vulnerable people or minority groups.
- planning, encouragement of or inciting violence against vulnerable people.
- promoting fascism, nazism or other authoritarian systems and practices.
- perpetuating, promoting, or enacting systematic injustices, racism, sexism, LGBTQI+phobia, handiphobia, psycophobia
- personal attacks: threats, insults, violent language directed against another person, present or not ;
- oppressive humour and discriminatory language ;
- advances, non-consensual flirting ;
- insistence when someone asks you to stop;
- encouragement of any of the above behaviours.
We are vigilant about the use of images, language and whistles associated with such behaviour. We reserve the right to exclude projects that tolerate such behaviour within their communities, or that have not made a good faith effort to discourage such behaviour.
It is not the intention of this policy to blanketly exclude those involved in projects or communities who unknowingly interact with bad actors, or who struggle or are unable to eliminate behaviour that contravenes this policy in their wider communities. Similarly, we do not expect project stakeholders to be responsible for every use of their development or re-use of their methods and tools, and we will of course take these realities into account when making moderation decisions.
Bridging this Hack₂O Communities Values Policy and Communties Terms of Service, we reaffirm:
- Any rule that is made visible offers the freedom to understand, discuss, manipulate and modify it. All invisible rules offer a minority that hides them the opportunity to oppress and control a larger exploited group.
Code of conduct - During meetings, as well as in all our web and internet spaces, and during any event that this research and contributions may cause, all those who contribute to and use the resources present commit themselves to the following:
Encouraged postures
- Any rule that is made visible offers the freedom to understand, discuss, manipulate and modify it. All invisible rules offer a minority that hides them the opportunity to oppress and control a larger exploited group.
- We want people - from all backgrounds and identities - to feel welcome and at home in an open and hospitable space. This includes, but is not limited to, people of all ethnicities, cultures, nationalities, skin colours, political beliefs, religions, mental and physical abilities, migration or expatriation status, economic and social class, levels of education, gender, romantic orientation, identity, age, height and family situation.
Etiquette and good relations
Let’s meet with excellence, i.e. the desire and care for the well-being and happiness of others, and let’s make sure that we are well-treating by ensuring that the way we act in practice (know-how and behaviour) is a ground for good manners.
- Show empathy, courtesy and kindness towards others.
- Respect different opinions, points of view and experiences.
- Except for opinions related to the unacceptable behaviours described above
- Giving and accepting constructive feedback with graciousness
- Accepting responsibility and apologising to those who have been affected⋅es by our mistakes, and learning from the experience.
- Sharing feedback
- Focusing on what is best not only for us as individuals, but also for the community as a whole.
Being vigilant about our own speaking time and that of others, ideally sharing it fairly if everyone wants to speak.