Welcome to Hack₂O! 👋

We are so glad you joined us.


Water or Power!

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:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!

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Dear all,

I’m glad to be your greeter!

I’m worker at petites singularités, Belgian non-profit association that manages the Hack₂O project, among others.

I’m delighted to welcome you here and to help you whenever I can, please feel comfortable to ask for help. I’ve bee involved for a long while in water issues (I started professionally in 2002). Maybe Biohacker / Biohacktivist / technologist / investigator / trainer, but first and foremost I’m trying to be a caretaker.

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Hi Xav,

Thanks for inviting me! I’ll commit an introduction/bio probably soon :slight_smile:


Hey I am super happy to see so much great information and meaningful projects here.
I am natacha from petites singularités and we actively support and take place in Hack20 that @xavi has been developping along the years for it to become the strongly documented platform that we see now.
So super happy to see this project emerge for and from different communities the free software and investigative journalism people and accross decolonial realities.


Greetings to everyone! My name is Lu Ossa. I am a nb person (she/they) currently living in Iberian geographies.

I came across hack2o through another channel forum I follow. And so enthusiastic to have stumbled upon this treasure chest of intention and information on water hacktivism!

I have been actively involved in land based and community centered projects, for the best part of the last 8 years of my life, within geographies subject to water stress and environmental degradation. Mostly in the south of portugal and currently in galicia.

I feel and believe that the fight for water and forest as preserved and respected commons is hugely fundamental for the possibility of life as we know it and its a foundation of healthy cultures.
So free open access to informed knowledge and skills about water hacktivism and land defense processes is so valuable and needed. So thank you for this initiative and effort.

Hope we can all learn together through the hack2o initiatives!


Hi !

Nice to meet you @dlb and @ossa! I’m Ada, also working with petites singularités. I live in Strasbourg where I’m active in the local hackerspace. I’ve never attended any of hack2o activities but I’m obviously interested in ecology and water issues so I’m thrilled to be indirectly part of it.

I hope we’ll meet in person soon! Have a nice summer!


Hi everyone!
Nice to meet you :slight_smile:

I am an architect and I’ve been working over the last 6 years with Latitude Platform for water management and landscape design mainly in the public space. In this framework I’ve been involved in low-tech and participatory projects to reduce the impact of floodings in Brussels and in Italy.
I am currently living and working in Brussels, where I hope to meet you very soon.

All best!



difficile de se lancer dans l’exercice d’une carte de visite personnelle…

Voilà plusieurs années que j’essaye de faire le pont entre mon engagement professionnel (pompier-ambulancier professionnel à Bruxelles) ET militant bénévole auprès du collectif des Actrices et Acteurs des Temps Présents.
C’est par l’organisation de marches à pied sur les territoires en lutte, et d’ateliers de cartographie collective, à travers la logistique matérielle et numérique nécessaire, que j’ai fait mes plus stimulantes rencontres.

Even if I’m born sixty years ago from frenchmother speaking in south India, I now feel afraid to write in english but still fluent pidgin reader…



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Hi all!
Very happy to join this digital platform for water hacktivism - i’ve been on the lookout for engagements at the nexus of ecology/activism/science & technology, and this is so fitting.
I’m a Brussels-based researcher in the history & sociology of science, once trained as a chemist, and also active in climate & degrowth movements.
Looking forward to meet & learn in-person soon!

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Dear Xavi,

Thank you for the invitation to be part of this group. I am still finding my way around this navigation.

I come from Goa and work with indigenious and marginalised communities in Goa and India’s North-East. We work together understanding systems of extractive mining, water/hydrology and big dams, ecology and deforestation and its intersecting imapct of climate change.

Look forward to connecting with you all.


Hello all, I invited myself :grin: following Xavi’s posts on Mastodon (interesting as always).

I’m Baptiste, designer and educator from Nantes (France). I’m starting a practice of design for investigation and I’m looking forward to meet people and collaborate on some projects. I applied on the Digital Investigation residency at Publix but wasn’t among the lucky ones this time, I’ll be following with deep interest what you’ll be doing there! Glad to help remotely if I can!

On a side note, my partner and I are also small editors and wine-maker.