Centrifuge Open Hardware in cardboard / paper - Free, affordable, cheap, reproducible

In 2020 we met and collaborate with Frugal Science, of Prakash Lab − Standford USA.

We were people from different continent, different ages, different cultures, different places, working on “Pussy Riot” Project.

From this feminist team and frugal approach, we worked a lot around this principles:

To cut a long story short, everything is produced how your mast and your tools without being dependent on a remote supply chain - autonomy. And how this helps and improves diagnostics and self-maintenance.

So, we worked on re-mixing existing centrifuges, which are necessary for the invistagations of waters and/or for medical diagno of ‘flow-based rapid diagnostic tests (RDT)’, such as malaria and African trypanosomiasis.

Just some paper and/or cardboard from the bin, a bit of string - if it’s any improvement - a button from a garment and some strong glue.


  • ∼ 10k rpm
  • ∼ 10, 000 g force

For less than just coins or a trip to the bins.

Similar featured tech centrifuges are around ~ $700. and much more.

We are using it with water samples

We are using it with blood samples, urines samples.

Science publication is here,
Punk adapted version is here

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