Hack₂O Online Meeting

2024-12-05T11:30:00Z / 18:00 India Time, IST / 12:30 CET / 11:30 UTC

Let’s talk together!

Dear @Primers

We’re in different corners of the world and I’m all the more confident of this because we have some wonderful things to share. That’s why I’m proposing this first wee primer videoconference, with no pressure and no big agenda.

1h long, no more.

I suggest something like: we simply (re)introduce ourselves, share what drives us about water, express our desires and needs, and put on the table one or two expectations about Hack₂o.
Well I’m also open for different option and more suggested angles. The floor is yours below in comment.

As well as it’s an very arbitrary schedule meeting and if we really want to participate but you cannot attend to this one: Don’t hesitate to comment and we’ll find another additional slot.

Online Meeting Room here: BigBlueButton (named H₂OOM)

See you soon <3

Really sorry, but busy fullday this date (teambuilding with collegeas…)

Hope to join on next meeting!

1 Like

Hi @vello
when would be a good time for you to meet online?

Hello @xavi,
possible en matinée… les 9-11-13 ou 17-19 décembre?