They support Hack₂O

  • Exposing the Invisible, a project of Tactical Tech, an international NGO that engages with citizens and civil-society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society.

  • Hackstub a hackerspace association based in Strasbourg, raising awareness of Open Source culture and computing among the local public, and carrying out popular education work with a critical and emancipatory approach to technologies, through events such as workshops, conferences, screenings, self-training, etc.

  • Antika Amand an independent journalist based in Delhi, and also an editor with Unbias the News nd co-founder of the Gender Beat − A collective of journalists working to raise the profile of gender journalism.

  • Fabrique des Communs Pédagogiques (France) runs programmes that rely on coalitions of groups, public players, associations, companies and a wide range of skills and professions (designers, architects, teachers, researchers, educators, IT developers, journalists, artists, engineers, etc.) to develop educational commons, enable them to be appropriated and disseminated as widely as possible. Its work is rooted in a tradition of popular education.