Training. From the ground to Space: taking & analysing samples, using remote data, maps and satellite images - and There and Back

In Rennes, 2025-01-09T08:30:00Z2025-01-09T17:00:00Z

Practice day, which will be backed up by documentation.


We’re going to combine these practices:

Above all, we will be going back and forth between these different practices in order to make the most of an iterative investigative approach that allows us to combine diverse data and gather varied evidence.

Information and registrations

You will need :

  • a laptop
  • a camera or smartphone
  • clothing suitable for working in mud
  • small rucksack

We supply the rest of the technical equipment

The meeting point is at 9.30 am, at the café le Génépi - 29 Rue de Châteaugiron, 35000 Rennes, France.
A hot drink is offered

There are only 8 places.
How to register:

  • Create an account on the hack₂o forum
  • comment on this post and indicate the number of places you are reserving.

et voilà!

More concepts and practices about this kind of approach in “Bio-investigations in the field

While working on our notes from this day long training session I discovered this very impressive work. A must read!

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