Learning by Training: 3-day workshop in Brussels in September 2024

En français

A free access session, in-person meeting, over 3 days in which we will work and learn together to:

For whom?

People who want to discover and learn; savvy people who want to improve their skills and share knowledge; hacktivists; people marginalised in society; undocumented migrants.

We have already held a similar workshop in Rennes, France, in 2023.

Participation is free. We will try to provide meals as well.

Places are limited to 12 participants. Reserve your place here in the forum or by emailing us.


Water is a very important element for life on earth and as well for the climate.
Water is also a matter of power and rights for non-humans and humans.

This is why we are collectively addressing the key issues by gathering together to learn on a peer-to-peer basis and by developing our own tools under an libre licence and producing our own information.

Where and When?

Apprendre en s’entraînant : atelier de 3 jours à Bruxelles en septembre 2024

Une session en accès gratuit, une session en personne, sur 3 jours, au cours de laquelle nous travaillerons et apprendrons ensemble :

  • La sûreté et la sécurité d’abord ! avant de se lancer dans une enquête sur l’eau (4 heures)
  • Enquêter sur les problèmes liés à l’eau : Méthodes et principes (4 heures)
  • Enquêter sur l’eau (et le sol) sur le terrain : Apprendre par la pratique (2 jours)
    • Les bases de l’identification préliminaire d’un site d’investigation avec planification de l’échantillonnage
    • Comment se rendre sur place, comment se préparer, commencer l’enquête, prélever des échantillons et les conserver.
    • Bioessai de semences) (protocole d’écotoxicité) et analyse spectrométrique de l’eau (avec du matériel libre) sur un échantillon d’eau du robinet
    • Analyser les échantillons soi-même et/ou choisir des tiers de confiance
    • Filet de capture de microplastiques Babylegs (DIY)
    • Utiliser un kit de réception radio portable (SDR - Software Defined Radio) pour renforcer les données de l’enquête et également pour repérer les risques potentiels
    • Recueillir et produire des récits d’enquêtes avec les résident⋅e⋅es locaux

Pour qui ?

Les personnes qui veulent découvrir et apprendre ; les personnes averties qui veulent améliorer leurs savoirs et partager leurs connaissances ; les hacktivistes ; les personnes marginalisées dans la société ; les sans-papiers.

Nous avons déjà organisé un atelier similaire à Rennes, en France, en 2023.

La participation est gratuite. Nous essaierons également d’offrir des repas.

Les places sont limitées à 12 participant⋅e⋅s. Réservez votre place ici dans le forum ou en nous envoyant un courriel.

Pourquoi ?

L’eau est un élément très important pour la vie sur terre et le climat.
L’eau est également une question de pouvoir et de droits pour les non-humain⋅es et les humain⋅es.

C’est pourquoi nous abordons collectivement les questions clés en nous réunissant pour apprendre d’égal à égal, en développant nos propres outils sous licence libre et en produisant nos propres informations.

Où et quand ?


Greetings! I’ve made it to the forum!

I’m quite interested in this workshop!

What is necessary to do to participate?

Warm regards
Lu Ossa

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I will also be there! Hope this is enough for registration, thanks for organizing! <3
Can you recommend a place to stay?
See you soooon :slight_smile:

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Thank you @sun ! Yes it’s enough for your registration. I’ll be posting information on where to stay and where to sleep soon. Thank you for asking <3

Hello @xavi,

très curieux aussi de découvrir cet atelier!
Mon emploi du temps est incertain en ce moment, mais j’espère bien assister aux 3 jours…
Grand MERCI pour cette proposition!

Et BRAVO pour l’initiative de ce forum…




I am currently looking to get friday 20.09, off from work so i can participate.

In the event one cannot take part on the 20th September, what does one misses, content wise? In this case, from your pov as an organizer, would it still make sense to participate in the following 2 days?


You can come and take part even if you miss the first day.

  • We’ll be taking shared notes
  • The other participants will also be able to pass on to you the information and knowledge they have acquired, aka an empowered, peer-to-peer group.
  • It makes sense to only take part in the last 2 days and to ask questions of other participants during that time, and even afterwards here in the forum.
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About sleeping and housing options:

Maybe @LauraR could share address and informations about a flat in Brussels.

Perhaps we can continue below all together sharing hints and contacts.

I will also join the workshop next week!

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I might be able to provide a sleep-over opportunity as well. Contact me if needed!


Hi, I had a question about the Sunday program. I had some afternoon plans already, so was wondering were the program will take us that day, and whether I can still combine the two. Will we stay in the proximity of the Laeken event location or will we move? Thanks!

Yes : the Sunday program activities is for the entire day ~ 17:30.
We will stay close to Laeken and Senne riverbanks.

Is there anything I can do to make your Sunday easier?

By the Way,
I’ve prepared online documents where to take notes during our Workshop.
I’ve made an index of linked PADs (documents where we take notes together) here : 3-day workshop in Brussels in September 2024 - HedgeDoc

In addition, in the same process (Here above a post in the forum, then open a pad to take note, after transfer notes in a new post in the forum) I’ve started a open contributive document about “Build a microplastic capture net − DIY” because we will use this Net during the workshop and we will talk about reverse engineering too.


it’s time to wrap-up.

I invite you to share your questions, feedback and feelings below in comments.

Post your pictures from activities too below :wink:

According to our notes (if you agreed with) we have some action points following what we did all together:

I (and others if its okay) will also start a Documentation follow-up around "what to do after after “an incident involving contamination” / personal consequences after a training workshop.

Other work is also underway after this session:

I’d really and truly like to read you and see all of us interacting here. It’s important for you, for me, and for others elsewhere.

Share studies on the historical presence of pollutants (lead, PFAS, etc.) in the forum. cc @natacha (some hints here in french about lead Notes : Conférence : « Contaminants émergents dans l’environnement – focus PFAS » | Xavier Coadic )

For french speakers, really invite you to listening to France Inter today podast Les PFAS : enquête sur les polluants éternels | France Inter

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  • As reply @xavi :slight_smile: :
    Not really yet sure that my allergic epidermic reaction is linked to our water investigations during our workshop… Maybee, but how to certify it?

  • As I said during workshop I’m ready to maintain (and to reproduce for others) “first kit local drugstore” for waters’ quality investigators…!
    Maybee a short common checklist in other post ?

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  • and really happy to plan (still this year?) an outdoor Hack20 week stay in Pirenèus ?
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Be very welcome, quand est-ce que tu imaginerais cela?

Let’s start a dedicated post maybe in Community howto like a short brief for this new action and in it a linked pad for online asynchrone works about this list and constraints / needs. Then we can post it below the first post and make it as a wiki.
Could be very useful for others and in different places.

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